Rachelle and Larry had a fabulous wedding at their home in August. Ray Michigan had a quaint country feel but their spectacular handcrafted house was definitely not the typical farmhouse you would likely see in the area. Their stone house was absolutely gorgeous with its gothic arches and wooden doors imported from Italy. It was the perfect setting for Rachelle and Larry! It was a gorgeous summer day and I had the extremely talented Hugh Anderson with Venture Photography photographing with me!
The day started out in the typical way. Rachelle was getting ready at home with her family and friends. Her mother helped her get ready and it was so sweet to see the love between them! And her adorable German Shepherd was right by her side the entire time. Rachelle looked gorgeous as she put on her dress and the finishing details. As Rachelle opened a gift from her soon to be hubby I was able to capture the raw emotion, it was beautiful!
Their ceremony was held on their front steps. Rachelle and Larry stood up on the steps as their guests watched from below. It was a beautiful ceremony and it not only signified the joining of two amazing people but the blending of two families, it was TOO precious!
After the ceremony, we went to Wolcott Mills Farm in Ray, MI to capture some beautiful moments between the loving couple! Rachelle rocked her beautiful dress as Larry looked quite dapper in his dark cream suit. These two laughed, smiled, and loved on each other all day. It was awesome to witness the love between them!
Once we were done at Wolcott Mills, we headed back to their house. The reception, held in the backyard, was beautifully decorated! Rachelle did most of the decorations herself and they looked absolutely amazing! The evening was great but the ending was spectacular. The couple lit a sky lantern as the summer sun slowly disappeared into the horizon. The rest of the guests joined in sending off their own lanterns and good wishes for the happy couple! As we left the reception fireworks exploded in the sky above the lake in their backyard. It was the perfect ending to their amazing day!
Here is a little peek from their day!
// Amanda //